3 Killiney Road, Winsland House 1, #09-08, Singapore 239519

Lip Augmentation

Lip Augmentation


How to get bigger fuller lips? There are two ways to achieve bigger and fuller lips; fat transfer and dermal fillers. The method to be used will depend on the condition of the patient after careful and detailed evaluation by the plastic surgeon.


Lip Augmentation Methods in Singapore

Method 1: Fat transfer

Fats can be found in the body and certain excess fats can be extracted with a simple liposuction and reused for lip enhancement. The method of fat transfer is basically taking away the excess fat and putting it somewhere else to enhance that area.

In this case, the fats that are, not in large quantity, suctioned out will be injected into the area of enhancement. Fat transfer can also be done for filling up the cheeks, chin, forehead and under eye area for restoration of volume to the face.

Method 2: Dermal Filler

There are a few types of dermal fillers available and the most common filler used is hyaluronic filler. It is a type of sugar that can be naturally found in the body.

Given the fact that hyaluronic acid can be found in the body, though not extracted from, it is able to break down in the body naturally and safely.

Dermal filler procedure would be most suitable for people who do not have a lot of fats in the body to bring around for fat transfer. Fillers would last about a year or two depending on the rate the body breaks it down.

Does the procedure involve pain?

The procedure is done with numbing agent, hence injection will not be painful.

What to expect after the procedure?

After the injection, the plastic surgeon will massage the area to shape the injected part to the desired outcome. It’ll take about one to two hours for the filler or fats to get itself ease out on the injected area but patients are able to continue with their day’s activity as planned. The face is to be gently washed for at least three days after the injection so as to not have an complications.

Make your inquiry now

    Shens Clinic

    Shens Clinic, 3 Killiney Road, Winsland House 1, 
    #09-08, Singapore 239519
    Shens Clinic, 3 Killiney Road, Winsland House 1, #09-08, Singapore 239519

    Monday – Friday: 09:00am – 06:00pm
    Saturday: 09:00am – 02:00pm
    Sun and PH: Closed

    (Strictly by appointment only)

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