3 Killiney Road, Winsland House 1, #09-08, Singapore 239519


Nose Surgery



Alarplasty is another surgery involving the nose, but it’s not as commonly known. There are very distinct differences between alarplasty and rhinoplasty that few people understand. Generally speaking, rhinoplasty is a general term referring to any surgery which alters the appearance of the nose whereas alarplasty is a specific surgical technique designed to address a specific problem with the nose, namely overly wide nostrils.

The alar is the section on your nose where the nostrils become rounded from the tip and extending toward the cheek. Alarplasty addresses this specific area. Unlike a rhinoplasty that can change the appearance of your entire nose, alarplasty only changes the width of the nostrils.

During Alarplasty, our Plastic Surgeon administers local anesthesia and sedation to make an incision either on the inside of the nose in the alar region. Next, the surgeon removes a specific amount of tissue. Once this tissue is removed, the incision is sutured. This narrows the span of wide nostrils. Bone and cartilage are not touched with an alarplasty. However, if you choose to include Rhinoplasty or Tip Plasty with Cartilage, these procedures can be done at the same time to achieve a sharper looking nose shape.

The doctor will be able to assess your face shape, width proportions and size of your nose. He can advise what can be done to achieve on your desired look.  As our Plastic Surgeon is Korea trained, we have a vast portfolio of asian patients seeking a sharper look. He received many good compliments for his surgery techniques on face enhancement. You may use the pictures as reference when you come by our clinic.

Closed Rhinoplasty

closed rhinoplasty

Closed Rhinoplasty refers to a nose job that is performed via internal incisions - i.e., there are no external scars. The surgeon makes one or more incisions along the inside of the nose and lifts the skin up from the nasal framework. Once the skin is elevated, the shape of the nose is changed.

• Potentially shorter operative time
• Less swelling of the tip
• No external scar

A closed rhinoplasty is where only the cuts inside the nose are made. This was originally developed to be used to fix broken noses, where more refined work on the tip is not usually carried out. If you think your tip is absolutely fine, the closed approach might be right for you.

A closed rhinoplasty is usually for minor reshaping.

Open Rhinoplasty

open rhinoplasty

Open Rhinoplasty, on the other hand, uses the same incisions as a closed rhinoplasty with the addition of an incision on the undersurface of the column of tissue that separates the nostrils called the columella. While this places a small scar on the exterior of the nose, in most cases, the incision heals very well and is not noticable at conversational distances. The incisions for the closed rhinoplasty are completely identical to the open with the exception of the incision across the columella.

• Better visualization for the surgeon
• Direct exposure of the anatomic structures
• More precise intraoperative diagnosis
• Less distortion of the nasal framework from intraoperative retraction
• Ideal for complex nasal deformities

This 6 mm incision allows the surgeon to peel the skin of the lower nose back to fully visualize the tip and dorsum of the nose. In the closed procedure, there is not as much visualization since the skin is not peeled back.

This approach is used for any rhinoplasty that needs extensive tip or dorsal work.


  • Average downtime is *7-10 days.
  • Painkillers will be provided to ease the discomfort.
  • Results appear immediately and on average, the final desired result is seen in roughly 1 month.

Make your inquiry now

    Shens Clinic

    Shens Clinic, 3 Killiney Road, Winsland House 1, 
    #09-08, Singapore 239519
    Shens Clinic, 3 Killiney Road, Winsland House 1, #09-08, Singapore 239519

    Monday – Friday: 09:00am – 06:00pm
    Saturday: 09:00am – 02:00pm
    Sun and PH: Closed

    (Strictly by appointment only)

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